lesson 1
I've learned in lesson 1 is the importance of Technology in teaching. And says also that technology is not always a bane in our daily lives it can help the student also. Technology is very important in teaching today because of the K12 program and the students generation is called Millennial so in here I've learned how to manipulate the computer and the best strategy in Teaching using the technology. The lesson 1 is a Review in Educational technology 1  to orient the learner to the pervasiveness or the quality of filling or spreading throughout and to uplift the learner human learning through the use of technology,to impart skills planning,designing,using and evaluating the technology-enriched teaching learning process and for me to introduce the learner to what is recognized as the the Third Revolution in education,the computer. As a Future teacher I will use too the Traditional Educational Technoly Materials not at all times the computer is There What if theres no current so As a Plan b or a Combination of Progressive and Traditional Strategy.
     The Educational Technology (ET-1) course has truly paved the way for the learner to become aware, appreciative and equipped for the educational technology tools ranging from the traditional to modern educational media. In ET-1, the learner was also oriented towards averting the dangers of dehumanization which technology brings into societies, through ideological propaganda, pornography, financial fraud and other exploitative use of technology.
The Educational Technology 1 served:
·         To orient the learner to the pervasiveness of Educational Technology in society.
·         To lend familiarization on how educational technology can be utilized as media for the avenues teaching- learning processes in the school.
·         To uplift human learning through the use of learning technology.
·         To impart skills in planning, designing, using and evaluating the technology – enriched teaching- learning process.
·         To acquaint learners on basic aspects of community educational, functions of the school media center, and finally,
·         To introduce the learner to what is recognized as the third revolution in education, the computer.

The Educational Technology 1 serves some of the important details for the learners to become more familiar, more oriented, more aware, and to become more skillful in learning through the use of technology. Learners reflect the way they act from what they have learned. On the application of educational technology to instruction, Educational Technology 1 showed the four phases of educational technology in teaching and learning namely: (a) setting of learning objectives, (b) designing specific learning experience,(c) evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences vis-avis the learning objectives and (d) revision as needed of the whole teaching-learning process, or elements of it, for further improvement of future instructional activities.

Lesson 2
As a future teacher I need to know the computer as concerned by Educational technology 2 is "Integrating technology into teaching and learning process" so I need to train myself and by this subject I've learned a lot in here the focused is computer skills and more hands-on activities because as John Deweysaid "Learning is by doing" and the aim of this lesson is to infuse technology in the student-teachers this subject helps me a lot in the future. I've learned the Basicss of using the technology, using the technology to support instruction, integrating new technology into Classroom practice and Discovering new uses for technology tools or designing projects that combine multiple technologies also focusing on cooperatove, project-based,and interdisciplinary work with technology being just one of many tools that students use. Also it develops here the higher-level of thinking and the creativity of me while providing me knowledge of IT- related leaening theories. This learning of mine will help me in the future I will share this indelible experience of mine to my students in the future.

Lesson 3
I've learned here is Philippines can also be Global Competitive country Just like the given country.
Upon learning this topic it helps me to know the capabilities of Asia region in developing their countries. Through the learning’s and information that I had learned in this topic I had conclude that Asia Pacific is quite different to the standard of the Philippines, since Asia is much  improved and developed in terms of technologies than the Philippines. I found myself enjoying this topic it is because the activities are relevant in the reality and it can give us more information about the happenings in other countries. Through this topic we can get an idea or information on how to promote education in the Philippines with the use of technologies.As what I had understood in this topic, it is very important and useful for the students to have an access of technologies in their school. It is because they can really learned with the use of computer for instance. They can have hands on learning so they can enhance their skill and potentials in using computer. It is also good to suggest that the government would provide computers for every school so that the learners can have hands on experience. Promoting students to use IT in teaching and learning can help them develop and understood their topic very well. I had also learners that equipping students with core skills in teaching with IT is much more reliable and useful.As what I had learned in this lesson it is very important to have an access of technologies in school particularly computers, since the students can really learn. So for me I can apply these learning to my future students in a way that they can try to have a hands on experience towards computer. It is also by giving them the opportunity or chance to develop their potentials or abilities in using computers. As a future teacher it is also important to teach the students in a way that they can really understood the topic, so for me through the help of technologies the students can really learn. I would also share my learning’s upon them.

Lesson 4.
  By the help of the basic concepts on integrating technology in instruction, I can really say that it made the discussion more interactive, interesting and the students will be cooperative. Because a simple and boring lesson will turn to be interesting with the help of technologies that can be integrated instruction. Like for instance, a chemistry class having boring topics for the students could be interesting and could catch their attention if the teacher will incorporate the use of technology particularly using PowerPoint presentation for the discussion and the illustration of the pictures. The students would love to listen and they could easily understand the topics being discussed.The Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in Instruction is a very helpful tool for the teachers and for the students as well for the reason that teacher for example wouldn’t find it hard to teach students. Since there is a more convenient way of teaching them, it would be easier for everybody especially for the student.
As a future teacher someday, I could apply everything that I’ve learned from this topic. Since we are living in a modern world and students are hooked with the use of high tech facilities like computer and internet, it is important to incorporate the basic concepts in integrating technologies. Students would find it interesting and they would surely learn easily.

Lesson 5

Preferences of the technology generation is about the critical differences in perceptions between old and young which create a generation gap. First, texts versus visual, in order to research, we are going to the library, use the card catalogue for needed books, and sign up to borrow books for home reading. Nowadays, we are now exposed to the new technology in such manner that their visual fluency or abilities have been sharpened and enhanced. Second, linear versus hyper media, before, they obtained information in linear, logical and sequential manner. Nowadays, we were access to hyperlinked multimedia digital information. Third, independent versus social learners, experts describe this mode of digital learning as one that based on experimentation, discovery and institution. Fourth, learning to do versus learning to pass the test, which is the old teachers teach students in order to help them pass tests. On the other hand, the new digital learners simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge and habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn. Fifth, delayed rewards versus instant gratification, the traditional reward system in education consists the grades, medals or certificates. On the other hand, the instant gratification consist an immediate scores from games and etc. Lastly, rote memory versus fun learning, its about learning and memorization, while the other is through fun learning. In sum, teachers need to connect with digital learners and not the old traditional world.

Lesson 6

        I could still remember the first time I used google, and that was to search for the lochness monster. I learned to manipulate the computer on my own and that was yet I went to high school. Basically, I perceived internet as a source of information. Back then I wasn’t aware of all its other uses. But now, I get to acquire said above skills because of the experiences I was let to experience. I cannot say that I have acquired all the basic skills but I can say that I have something of them. I am still in the process of developing all of them.

Back then, the focused of my computer class was just to develop basic computer skills. We were not molded into becoming fluent in making solutions using technology or evaluate information from the internet. It’s totally different in college. At this point in time, I constantly bombarded activities and requirements that develop the skills. I think, at some point later, I’ll get to have all these skills.Good for me because even before I went to high school, I already have the prior knowledge on how to use the computer but my classmate who hadn’t had their prior experiences on how to use computers really had hard times in using it. I cannot say that my teacher’s approach in teaching the subject was wrong but with my knowledge now, I could say that it would have been better if there was a “more basic” approach in teaching. There should have been repetitive activities and drills to so that we could have learned better, my classmates would learned the easier way. There should have also been emphasis on at least developing our skills to develop media skill so that we could have been, I could have been a better evaluator of information. It is important for the digital teacher to be able to develop the said above skills so that in turn, the students get to develop them too. It is important for the teacher to develop the higher thinking skills of his/her students because without this, the above said skills cannot be manifested. As a future teacher, I must seriously aim for the development of the higher level of thinking of my students so that they will get to develop the six essentials skills to be better digital learners.  I will make use of activities that will make them solution makers, evaluator and retriever of information, collaborative, skeptic (in a good way) in choosing media, and be model netizens. I must see to it that all these skills are in them and they get to be in conformity with the trend of the world.

Lesson 7

In this lesson, we discuss four types of IT based projects that can be used in order to engage students in activities involving a higher plane of thinking. These four are: Resource-based Project, Simple creations, Guided Hypermedia Projects and web based Projects, Resource Based project refers to finding information and the central principle is to make students go beyond the textbook and curriculum materials. Simple Creations on the other hand, refers to students assigned in creating their software materials to supply the need for relevant materials. Guided Hypermedia Projects refers to the production of self-made multimedia project. Lastly, web based projects refers to students that could make or create and post Webpages on a given topic.

In our experience: We had already experience most of the four types of IT based projects discussed in this lesson in this lesson during our Ed Tech 1 and Ed Tech 2.

These four types are highly used by teachers who wanted to improve his or her students learning and to engage in a modern way of learning.

So the application: As a future educator, we could use all the things learned in this lesson through letting students engage in activities that needs higher plane of thinking.

Lesson 8
CT (information and communications technology - or technologies) is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning. ICTs are often spoken of in a particular context, such as ICTs in education, health care, or libraries.

Through computer technology, educators saw the amplification of learning along with computer literacy. Much Like reading, the modern student can now interact with computer messages; even respond to questions or to computer commands. Again like writing, the learner can form messages using computer language or program.

 Some computer-assisted instruction (CAI) was introduced using the principle of individualized learning through a positive climate that includes realism and appeal with drill, exercises that uses color, music and animation. The novelty of CAI has not waned to this day especially in the basic education level as this is offered by computer-equipped private schools. But the evolving pace of innovation in today’s Information Age is so dynamic that within the first decade of the 21st century, computer technology in education has matured to transform into an educative information and communication technology (ICT) in education.

Personal Computers are useful in the learning process. Students at home can continue using their pc’s in their assignments and projects without spending much time in the library looking for the exact book. Even if the students are not in school, they can still continue to study, explore and search. Aside from that, PC’s are also use in communication. One can communicate from a person in the far using the computer or can watch a movie in it. It has also been use as a radio for some for music can be store. Typing a project would not be difficult at all for one can delete wrong words or sentences without erasures. In offices, PC’s are useful in storing company information, make databases for reports or programs for company use.

Lesson 9

The computer is one of the wonders of human ingenuity, even in its original design to carry out complicated mathematical and logical operations. With the invention of the personal computer, the PC has become the tool for programmed instruction. Educators saw much use of the PC. It has become affordable to small business, industries and homes. They saw its potential for individualization in learning, especially as individualized learning is a problem since teachers usually with a class of forty or more learners. They therefore devised strategies to use the computer to the break the barriers to individualized instruction

The computer can be a tutor in effect relieving teacher of many activities in his personal role as classroom tutor. It should be made clear, however, that the computer cannot totally replace the teacher since the teacher shall continue to play the major roles of information deliverer and learning environment controller. Even with the available computer and CAI software, the teacher must; insure that students have the needed knowledge and skills for    any computer activity; decide the appropriate learning objectives; Plan the sequential and structured activities to achieve objectives; evaluate the students’ achievements by ways of tests the specific expected outcomes.

On the other hand, the student in CAI play their own roles as learners as they; Receive information; Understand instruction for the computer activity; Retain/keep in mind the information and rules for the computer activity; Apply the knowledge and rules during the process of computer learning. During the computer activity proper in CAI the computer too plays its roles.

Today, educators accept the fact that the computer has indeed succeeded in providing an individualized learning environment so difficult for a teacher handling whole classes. This is so, since the  computer able to  allow individual student to learn out their own pace, motivate learning through a challenging virtual learning environment, assist student through information needed during the learning process, evaluate student responses through immediate feedback during the learning process also give the total score to evaluate the student’s total performance.

In integrating computer programs in instruction, use tutorial software associated with cognitive learning. While practice exercise or learning by doing is still the heart of each tutorial. Provide comprehensive information on concepts in addition to practice exercise. Can be effectively used for remediation, reviewing or enrichment· Allow the teacher to introduce follow-up question to stimulate student learning. Permits group activity for cooperative learning.

Lesson 10

COMPUTER could be a HANDY-TOOL for the teacher. It can in fact support the constructivist and social constructivist paradigms of constructivist learning. Accordingly, Piaget and Bruner introduced constructivism and stressed to knowledge discovery of new meaning in the learning process. And in social constructivism, showed that construction of knowledge is governed by social, historical and cultural contexts. In effect, this is to say that the learner who interprets knowledge has a predetermined point of view according to the social perspectives of the community or society he lives in.Based on the two learning theories, the teacher can employ the computer as a/an: As an information tool, provide vast amounts of information in various forms, such as text, graphics, sound, video and even multimedia encyclopedias. Constructive tool, used for manipulating information, visualizing one's understanding, and building new knowledge. The Microsoft Word computer program itself is desktop publishing software that allows users to organize and present their ideas in attractive formats.Co-constructive tools, students can use constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new knowledge. One way of co-construction is the use of the electronic whiteboard where students may also co-edit the same document from their homes. The computer as a situating tool is news and still undergoing further research and development.

 While knowledge is constructed by the individual learner in constructivism, knowledge can also be socially constructed.  Social constructivism, this is an effort to show that the construction of knowledge is governed by social, historical and cultural contexts.  In effect, this is to say that the learner who interprets knowledge has a predetermined point of view according to the social perspectives of the community or society he lives in. 

The psychologist Vygotzky stressed that learning is affected by social influences.  He therefore suggested the interactive process in learning.  The more capable adult or classmate can aid or complement what the learner sees in a given class project.  In addition, Dewey sees language as a medium for social coordination and adaptation.  For Dewey human learning is really human language that occurs when students socially share, build and agree upon meanings and knowledge.

The computer serves as a teacher's tool in the sense that the educators used computers as their instructional materials in supplementing the cognitive development of learners when it comes to technology.  Computer has a great help for both the teachers and the learners, for the teachers it facilitate their instructional methods and improve their instructional materials; for the learners it contributes a lot in their cognitive development and learning experiences.

Lesson 11
Cooperative learning strategies help children work together, sharing one keyboard, one mouse, and one screen. Also direct and integrate the use of two or more different programs in a lesson. Cooperative learning is learning in small groups where each student is actively engaged in a three-step process: research, discussion, and group decision making. Cooperative learning is the process of discovery through sharing. Cooperative learning creates an objective that requires the participation of each student in the process. This approach to learning understands that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Each member of the group may have an assignment, —something to bring or contribute to the rest of the group. Each member gets their turn to add to the larger understanding. Leaders and followers will naturally emerge but the assignment is structured in such a way that all must contribute.

Cooperative learning is goal-oriented. Through research and the sharing of information and ideas, students construct a group understanding or larger picture which leads them toward new meanings and insights. The group may be working toward creating a statement or a report, a solution or a completed project that expresses what the group has learned. Cooperative learning is not... four kids in front of a computer with one kid dominating the mouse, keyboard, or discussion. Cooperative learning isn't one team competing against another team and letting the brightest kids come up with all the answers. Cooperative means cooperate.

Cooperative learning is more than telling the class to split into three groups to "answer these questions." It is a way of learning that the teacher both directs and models through their words and interactions with their students. Cooperative learning are an intentional lesson planning strategy that fosters discussion and facilitates contributions from all participants. In cooperative learning, the computer becomes a means to an end, --a tool to promote the sharing of ideas and peer to peer relationships. Cooperative learning helps focus attention on software content and not just its whiz bang features. Cooperative learning embodies biblical values of sharing, listening, expressing your faith to others, and learning from each other.

When properly used, the computer can be a wonderful tool to facilitate discussion. Kids frequently find it difficult to open up and share with their peers, many of whom they may only see once a week in church. With a cooperative learning strategy, the computer helps them get around the problem. The reason is this: kids want to succeed with these tools and this motivates them to overcome their natural shyness about sharing or working together.

Cooperative learning strategies can provide a comfortable structure and set of calming set of expectations. Remember, there are other lesson strategies and ideas described in our Teaching Tips. Cooperative strategies such as the ones listed below can be used in combination with many of those ideas. What works well with one age group, teacher or piece of software, may not work as well with another.

Lesson 12
When people think about computers, they imagine the computer machine with monitor screen, keyboard, and CPU which contains the electronic parts and circuits. It is more difficult to realize, however, that the computer hardware can hardly be useful without the program or system that tells what the computer machine should do. This is also called the software. There are two types of software; Systems software and Applications software.         

 In the use of modern information technology as a part of the learning process, the teacher must possess or has acquired the needed skills to evaluate the best hardware and software to install in the school.  What can easily be seen and appreciated is the computer itself, its design, memory capacity, video card, monitor/screen and other visible qualities.  However, what is more important is the software.  The choice of material or program to be installed as the main operating system which students can use as a source of information, and a tool for accomplishing assignments, group work or projects.  Terms such as windows, programs, graphics, download, internet and other pertinent technological words should be part of the teacher’s vocabulary and appreciation.  What should be foremost however on the choice of software to use is that it should be current or updated and has a wide scope of educational resources for students to tap or use.

The computer has paved the way for learning in a new light. It has given human race a lot of advantages from the time it has been invented.  Now the computer has been used widely and optimally in educational settings. Most of the educational materials used by the teachers nowadays are web-based software. It is attractive with colorful graphics, sounds and videos; so catching that you really want to download it. The sense of patriotism among us has slowly faded away because of computer.

Using this software that have mentioned in this lesson are all useful in enhancing the creativity and skills of a learner. The software that can be downloaded or bought in any sights in the internet are useful but be careful in choosing the program that will be present in the class, there are some programs that are attractive on the eye but it does not contain a 100% correct content.

Lesson 13

Hypermedia is an example of an educational software that we could use in the teaching - learning process. Among these are different software that are useful and effective in a certain type of instructional activity. In using hypermedia, teachers allow students to follow his own path of activities and control the flow of instruction while making his own decisions. In the classroom environment, the learner will develop a sense of autonomy and independence at the same time developing higher - order thinking skills. From the Educational Technology I course, the student has already become aware of multimedia or an audiovisual package that includes more than one instructional media (means of knowing) such as text, graphics, audio animation and video clip.
   Hypermedia is nothing but multimedia, but this time packaged as educational computer software where information is presented and student activities are in a virtual learning environment.              The presentation of information-learning activities in hypermedia is said to be sequenced in a non-linear manner, meaning that the learner may follow his path of activities thus providing an environment of learner autonomy and thinking skills. This fact makes it therefore important to understand hypermedia in the educational context in order to ensure their successful integration in the teaching-learning process. For the most part, the learner controls the sequence and pace of his path depending on his ability and motivation. He has the option to repeat and change speed, if desired. Of course, at the start, the learner may choose the learning activities he prefers. Meanwhile, the teacher has the prerogative to determine suitable learning objectives.The learner also has a wide range of navigation routes such as by working on concepts he is already familiar with. They may even follow a linear or logical path, even if the previous activity is half-completed. He may explore other sections opting to return or complete the previous activity.In this lesson, what I have discovered is that the hypermedia is a blending of two words “Hypertext” and “Multimedia”. An example here is this “digital portfolio”, there is a certain point by where a hyperlink is placed, and if you click it, you will proceed to another page or site.  In the internet, we can find lots and lots of hypermedia. This is use to organize the content of the website or page.

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